Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Sharing a single screen in Slack for Linux

I have a bunch of monitors, and for whatever reason, Slack for Linux refuses to let me limit my screen sharing to a single monitor or application.  This means that if I try to share my screen on a call, no one can see or read anything because they just see a giant, wide view of three monitors' worth of pixels crammed into their Slack window (typically only one monitor wide).

In my experience, disabling monitors/displays is just not worth it; I'll have to spend too much time getting everything set back up correctly afterward, and that's really inconvenient and annoying.

The solution that I've landed on is Xephyr; Xephyr runs a second X11 server inside a new window, so when I need to get on a call where I'll have to share my screen, I simply:
  1. Launch a new Xephyr display.
  2. Close Slack.
  3. Open Slack on the Xephyr display.
  4. Open whatever else I'll need to share in the Xephyr display, typically a web browser or a terminal.
  5. Get on the Slack call and share my "screen".
Some small details:
  • You'll need to open Xephyr with the resolution that you want; given window decorations and such, you may need to play around with this a bit.  Once you find out what works, put it in a script.
  • In order to resize windows in Xephyr, it'll need to be running a window manager.  I struggled to get any "startx"-related things working, but I found that "twm" worked well enough for my purposes.
  • Some applications, such as Chrome, won't open on two displays at the same time.  I just open a different browser in my Xephyr display (for example, I use "google-chrome" normally and "chromium-browser" in Xephyr), but you can also run Chrome using a different profile directory and it'll run in the other display.
Install Xephyr and TWM:
sudo apt install xserver-xephyr twm

Run Zephyr, Slack, and Chromium:
# Launch Xephyr and create display ":1".
Xephyr -ac -noreset -screen 1920x1000 :1 &
# Start a window manager in Xephyr.
DISPLAY=:1 twm &>/dev/null &
# Open Slack in Xephyr.
DISPLAY=:1 slack &>/dev/null &
# Open Chromium in Xephyr.
DISPLAY=:1 chromium-browser &>/dev/null &

It's kind of dirty, but it works extremely well, and I don't have to worry about messing with my monitor setup when I need to give a presentation.

Edit: an earlier version of this post used "Xephyr -bc -ac -noreset -screen 1920x1000 :1 &" for the Xephyr command; I can't get this to work with "-bc" anymore; I must have copied the wrong command when I published the post.


  1. I've found that "awesome" is a bit more user-friendly (and only slightly more heavy) than "twm" for window management. Just replace "twm" with "awesome" above and everything'll work fine.

    1. Also, if Awesome's text looks too tiny, you can tweak your "Xephyr" command to include "-dpi 128" or some other DPI to increase the size. Mine was set to 96, and the text was way too small.

  2. Rejoice! As of Monday, August 10, 2020, Slack for Linux now provides a screen picker! The order of the screens appears to be the video-card order, but the thumbnail images are correct.
